My name is Darya Bor – Class of 2018, Film & Media Studies major, studying abroad with the Bard-Smolny Program in St. Petersburg. I was born in Minsk, Belarus, grew up in Phoenix, Arizona, and decided to return to my Russian roots for my study abroad experience.
At Amherst, I worked in the Mead Art Museum as an Education Intern and in the Career Center as a Public Relations Intern, and in my spare time, acted as a managing arts editor for the Circus, contributed to the Indicator and the Amherst Student, put on events in Porter Hall as the Russian House’s President, and danced the tense academic worries away at the Amherst Swing, Ballroom, and Salsa club.
My goals for this semester consist of getting my Russian language skills on par with my English and soaking in the artistic and cultural influence of St. Petersburg. I hope that all I learn I can then take back to the States and into the Amherst community.