Train to Salamanca: Local Perspective about Asian Immigrants in Spain

I still vividly remember that train ride back to Salamanca from Madrid, where a casual conversation transformed into one of the most memorable moments during my time abroad.  After a long weekend in Barcelona, I was exhausted and looking forward to a quiet train ride back to Salamanca until someone sat down beside me and started a conversation. He initially

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Immigration in Spain: Past, Present, and Future

After months of preparing for my semester abroad, I finally arrived in Spain, and even until this moment, everything still felt quite surreal. It was not until I got to Salamanca and saw the endless sandstone walls and buildings that I realized my study abroad experience had officially begun. This beautiful city was where I was going to spend my

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Vowels and Vistas: First Impressions of Spain from a Linguistic Perspective

¡Hola desde España! Salamanca truly deserves to be called “La Ciudad Dorada,” or “The Golden City”: when the sun shines on the face of Salamanca’s sandstone buildings, the stone appears golden, a phenomenon that continues as the sun sets and the city’s lights illuminate the stone a lighter shade of gold into the darker hours of the night. As I’ve

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My Goals for Studying Abroad in Salamanca, Spain

Hello everyone! My name is Woohyun and I am thrilled to share my study abroad experience with all of you throughout the semester. I will be studying in Salamanca, Spain through the IES Psychology program where I will be taking a variety of courses in the Spanish language, education, and psychology. I am looking forward to taking courses in education

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