Hi everyone! My name is Kiera and I am from Long Island, New York. I am an Environmental Studies and English double major, Class of 2021. This semester I will be travelling to Copenhagen, Denmark for the program of Food Sustainability: from Production to Consumption with DIS. I also will be living in the Green Living and Learning Community.
I hope to forge a deep understanding of sustainable living in a place that has set a precedent for coexistence with the environment, especially in their agricultural sector. My program suggests that culture and the environment are inextricably tied through food. Through the lens of my own heritage as a Hispanic woman, particularly with attention to Denmark’s ethnically homogenous demographic, I hope to engage with their low carbon food system as it relates to progressive environmental justice. I am interested in learning the ways in which the Danish sustainable food system emphasizes the structural injustice of the American food system. This semester, I hope to present methods of living sustainably by describing the way food engages with us environmentally, culturally, and personally.