Not Yet in Santiago, but Learning how to Define My Happiness Outside of Amherst

Hi everyone! I hope you are all staying warm amidst the cold upon us, that is if you’re currently in the northeast like I am. Unlike most of my peers studying abroad, I am still at home because my program in Chile starts a bit later. I leave for Santiago on February 22nd, have orientation from the 24th-26th, and then

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Jeanyna in Santiago

Hello hello everyone! My name is Jeanyna and I’m an Environmental Studies major from New York City. As a Latinx, queer, first-gen & low-income student, I am very thrilled to study abroad in Santiago, Chile this spring semester through Middlebury College. Study abroad is an important aspect of many students’ journey at Amherst, but the experience is extra special for

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A Reflection on Why I Chose the Dartmouth Dual Degree Program

Just before my senior year of high school, I attended a summer program called the Power to Move at Central Connecticut State University. Through this program, I met an amazing mentor and worked with a team of students to modify toy ride on, motorized cars for children with limited mobility. It was through this experience I recognized my interest in

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Amritha at Dartmouth

Hi! My name is Amritha, and I am a junior Biochemistry and Biophysics major from Hartford County, Connecticut. This semester, I am virtually studying away at Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire through the Dual Degree Program in Engineering.  Throughout my time studying away, I will use this blog to document my personal growth as I navigate remote study at

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Local conservation amid a global problem

This mural depicts crabs with to-go containers in the place of their shells. The caption says, “plastics take thousands of years to degrade.”

Greetings from Denver, Colorado! I unfortunately had to return home from my study abroad experience earlier than expected. However, I still have many insights regarding Ecuadorian environmental attitudes that I am eager to share.  Throughout my time in San Cristóbal, Galápagos, I was struck by the abundance of signs, murals, and benches that implored me to help conserve the island.

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Sustainability Fellow: Margot in Quito, Ecuador

Margot in Quito

¡Hola! My name is Margot, and I am an Environmental Studies major in the class of 2021. I will be studying abroad in Quito and San Cristobal (Galapagos) this spring. I am from Denver, Colorado, and I cannot wait to immerse myself in a new culture where my studies will come to life. As a Global Sustainability Fellow, I plan

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When Global Means Staying Home, Too

Written by Rachael Hanley, Director of Social and New Media in the Amherst College Office of Communications (Originally published on the Amherst College website, 27 February 2018)     When Rebecca Houedjissi ’18 decided to take a semester away from Amherst College, international study was an option—but not the only one. After considering a range of choices, Houedjissi decided to

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