It’s over now

It’s all come to an end. With finals springing up on me comes the realization that it’s over now. The excitement, the relaxation, the change, the fears – it’s all about to become a thing of the past. A Once upon a time. But this is a good thing. I’ve grown, I’ve learned and I’ve done my best to soak up my surroundings like a sponge.

As you watch my vlog, I hope I am able to give you a glimpse of my journey. My journey has been largely defined by food, as one might expect in Italy, but more importantly it has been defined by learning. I have learned more than I could’ve imagined. Learning Italian language and history. Learning Italian politics and policy. Learning how to be independent. Learning about myself.

It’s time to go now, and although I’ll miss the incredible experience that studying abroad has been for me, I am looking forward to going home.

Amo Roma ma sono presto ritornare a casa (I love Rome but I am ready to return home)

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