About Our Blog

Mission & Vision

To provide a platform for Amherst students to reflect upon their experiences abroad—while they’re away, once they’ve returned to Amherst, and long after they’ve graduated—and to share their stories and reflections with the larger Amherst community and beyond.

This blog is part of our vision for the future.

Amherst College welcomes contributions to discussions on our social media sites. The following guidelines are designed to help provide a quality environment for users and visitors of our social media. Please take a minute to read them and keep them in mind whenever you engage with them.
  • The posts on our social media sites are monitored only periodically. If you need immediate assistance, please contact the Global Education Office (413-542-5691), ACPD (413-542-2291), or local emergency services in your host country. 
  • Please follow the terms and conditions set by the social media company. 
  • Remember that posts should not violate the Amherst College Respect for Persons statement, part of the Amherst College Honor Code, which could result in disciplinary action if violated.
Amherst College Global Education Office reserves the right to remove any posts for any reason, including, but not limited to, posts that: contain commercial solicitations, are factually erroneous/libelous, are off-topic, or violate the social media site’s terms and conditions.

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