Reflecting on Study Away as an Amherst Alum

Over two years have passed since I returned from studying sustainable development in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Since then, I graduated with a degree in environmental studies and took a post-bac job at Amherst College’s Office of Sustainability as the Sustainability Green Dean. All of these experiences are fueled by my lifelong interest in the environment, but they’re also influenced by

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An Interview with the Chaolei People of Southern Thailand

Now, we enter the final course of the sustainable development studies curriculum: Oceans. On campus, we took one week to learn about fishing regulations, sea grass, and more. Then, we took two and a half weeks in Southern Thailand. We stayed at two fishing villages, one of them all Muslim, and went camping on beautiful islands close to Malaysia.   

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Living & Learning in Maetha: An Environmental Movement Prioritizing Human Health

Hello! As Thailand begins moving into summer, my time here is approaching the halfway point. Here in Chiang Mai, the burning season has arrived, where nearby farmers burn their old fields. Luckily, I have not noticed any increase in smoky air yet.  What I have noticed is how hot it has gotten. When I walk out on the street, it

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Anna in Chiang Mai

Hi! My name is Anna Hogarth and I am an Environmental Studies major from New Jersey. I will be studying abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand with the International Sustainable Development Studies Institute (ISDSI). I will be learning about sustainable farming, the ethno-ecological relationship between humans and forests, and more. This program is especially unique because I will go on three

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