Breaking the Silence: We Need to Talk About Race in Argentina

Arriving in Argentina, I was unsure of how my racial identity would affect my experience. I perceived my time abroad as a break from microaggressions: the brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioral, or environmental slights, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative racial slights and insults toward marginalized groups, and racism and discrimination more generally. More profoundly

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Academics in Argentina: Learning to Question What I Thought I Knew

Coming from a liberal arts college, adjusting to the academic system here in Argentina was challenging initially. In total, I have taken three program courses with IFSA-Butler, two courses at the national public university, and three courses at a private university here in Mendoza. Across the board, all my courses have been lecture based with minimal discussion directed towards questions

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Leaving the Yes-Woman Behind

As I resettle into blogging while here in Argentina, I must admit that it feels different this time around. Though the initial “newness” of being abroad has faded, my appreciation for Mendoza’s beauty inside and out remains. As a month has passed, I am realizing that life abroad is much more complex than it seems initially. When I first arrived

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