Champagne for Breakfast

I came downstairs to have breakfast and was offered a glass of champagne. I accepted it. For a moment, I stopped and thought about why I’d said yes. I’d never said yes before. And then I decided I didn’t need to know exactly why I had said yes. So, I had a glass of champagne for breakfast. Comfort had snuck

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Being Independent Abroad

When I originally imagined studying abroad, I didn’t think my daily life would be that different from what I experienced at Amherst. After all, I was already used to living on my own, away from my parents, for months at a time, and the changes in my living situation – that I would live off campus and need to cook

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The 9th of April

About once a month, one of my housemates greets me in the morning by asking me if I know what day it is. Every time I immediately become concerned that I’m late to pay rent. But that’s never the case. Still, she likes to wait a few seconds while my face contorts with mild panic. Eventually she tells me, “there

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Another Way

If you’ve gone on study abroad to a different country, you’re probably familiar with international orientation – the multi-day event which briefs you on everything from academics to safety to which supermarkets are the cheapest. And, of course, there’s always a small language component, detailing common words and phrases that you might not be familiar with already. On the second

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