It’s over now

Konso and friends

It’s all come to an end. With finals springing up on me comes the realization that it’s over now. The excitement, the relaxation, the change, the fears – it’s all about to become a thing of the past. A Once upon a time. But this is a good thing. I’ve grown, I’ve learned and I’ve done my best to soak

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How does politics work exactly?

Although I am not taking a politics course this semester, I have a deep personal interest in politics and I wanted to figure out where to place Italian politics. This was my motivation for this vlog post. The end result was quite different actually, I ended up realizing that politics in all the places I’ve lived in is quite similar.

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Academics in Argentina: Learning to Question What I Thought I Knew

Coming from a liberal arts college, adjusting to the academic system here in Argentina was challenging initially. In total, I have taken three program courses with IFSA-Butler, two courses at the national public university, and three courses at a private university here in Mendoza. Across the board, all my courses have been lecture based with minimal discussion directed towards questions

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Leaving the Yes-Woman Behind

As I resettle into blogging while here in Argentina, I must admit that it feels different this time around. Though the initial “newness” of being abroad has faded, my appreciation for Mendoza’s beauty inside and out remains. As a month has passed, I am realizing that life abroad is much more complex than it seems initially. When I first arrived

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