Reflections – What I Learned about Australia and Myself

Landing at Kingsford Smith Airport around midnight and checking into my accommodation at UNSW Village was over four months ago now, but it feels like just four days ago. Unfortunately, my time Down Under has come to a close. Hence, it’s time to reflect on my incredible experiences and unforgettable memories that have shaped my study away. I will always

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Comparison – Amherst & UNSW

Since mid-August, I’ve been navigating the bustling campus of the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in Sydney, Australia, on my study away Fall semester. In my first month here, the stark differences between Amherst and UNSW have become increasingly apparent. The small class sizes, familiar faces at Valentine Dining Hall, and the cozy corners of Frost Library at Amherst

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Moving Down Under – From Decision to Destination

A bit about me and how I decided to study abroad in Sydney, Australia: Good morning from Sydney! By way of introduction, my name is Edred Opie. I’m a Junior at Amherst majoring in Math and Economics, and an international student from Chippenham, England. You will often see me carrying my tennis racquets around campus as a member of Amherst’s

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Marc in Wellington, New Zealand

Portrait of the author, Marc Daalder

      Kia ora! My name is Marc Daalder, and I’m studying this semester in Wellington, New Zealand. At Amherst I’m a Class of 2018 History major, and at Victoria University of Wellington I’ll be taking a mixture of History and Political Science courses, while also involving myself in the local journalism and activism scenes. Although I’ve lived internationally

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