Sherman Katz ’65

Headshot of Amherst alumnus Sherman Katz '65

Interviewed by Konso Mbakire ’18       On Tuesday, March 28th 2017, the Amherst College Global Education Office had the pleasure of welcoming Sherman Katz, Class of ’65, to our campus. In his day, Amherst looked very different; it had a core curriculum, no women, and no study abroad office. He found out about a year-long study abroad program

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My Return to Cuba

Bella standing on steps of University of Havana

  Hello! Welcome to my first official post during my second semester in Havana, Cuba. I can’t believe how fast the first four weeks of the new semester went by! I was initially nervous to start another semester in Havana with a new program. How would I maintain old connections while also trying to fully integrate myself within a new

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Esperanza in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Esperanza sitting on sand dune

    Oi gente! My name is Esperanza, and this semester I am studying in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Originally, I’m from Las Cruces, New Mexico. In Amherst, I am a class of 2019 Environmental Studies major. Here in Rio, I’m a student at Pontifícia Universidade Católica through SUNY New Paltz. I’m most excited to improve my Portuguese, study forest

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What I Will Miss

Inside of narrow dorm room

Homesickness didn’t immediately hit me in either semester. Each time, it started as an almost non-existent feeling, hidden by the wonder of study abroad, and slowly it grew into an urgency to be back home close to my family, warm in my bed. Right now, as I try to picture the life I am returning to, even Amherst, with its

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